And sometimes they're right, and sometimes what they do is the wrong thing, but at any rate, Fienna kept this information from Rita and I knew that we were going to reveal it to Rita, and we get that really heartbreaking silent panel toward the end of the book where Master Vile changes back from his human form to the Master Vile form. "We know that Master Vile is Rita's dad, but I had this idea early on that maybe Rita didn't know and that Fienna was keeping it from her to protect her, like how parents think they know better for their children. He goes and he's there for her in the same way, but his own way. "One of them is you see Rita tell the story to Phantom when he's kind of unconscious and losing himself in the Grid, and then at the end, you see Phantom when his little arc for the story completes and he realizes that it's okay to kind of care about people. Because BOOM! and Dafna chose me to write the story, I wanted to bring my storytelling sensibilities to it, so I wanted to create lots of buildups to moments in the story," Gogol said. They're a little more intimate in that they're really character-focused and not these cosmic epics, like some of the Power Rangers stuff. "So, in my creator-owned stuff, all my books are fairly small in scale. While the tory revolves around some pretty epic concepts, there is a heartfelt story of a parent trying to save their child at the core of it, and you might want to grab some kleenex. We also see Phantom's role in Rita's journey, as Phantom attempts to rescue Fienna and Rita from Master Vile. And like I said, we didn't want to take the helmet off yet and we wanted to create a long runway looking forward for the character, but also a long runway of looking backwards." So we knew that without jumping through a lot of hoops and crazy story explanations, that that one wouldn't really make sense. But we see in the Coinless universe during Kyle's run way back that the Phantom Ranger and Billy fight side by side. "One of the big ones is that it's Billy, the Blue Ranger. "Also, some of the fan theories were kind of taken off the table just via stuff that exists in other stories already," Gogol said.

Stuff like that was all really cool touchstones that we could use to flesh out this character who didn't really have a whole lot of a backstory, and while still keeping the helmet on," Gogol said. So I kind of made it my mission to say, 'Okay, how do we make him even more interesting? How do we add layers? How do we raise new questions? How do we tease some of the answers that we've plotted out that aren't in this, as an info dump, but might be brought up later?' So, making him tied to the Grid, making him a lot older than we thought he was, making him a being made of Morphin energy, tying him to Rita's history. That the story should be an introduction, it should be the first hopefully of many Phantom Ranger stories, and if we took the helmet off here, it would kind of take the wind out of the sails, right? He stops being interesting as soon as you know who he is. "I think if I'm remembering correctly, early on Dafna and I both agreed and kind of said at the same time that we don't think we should take the helmet off, at least now.

In the issue we learn that the Phantom Ranger is actually not a person per say but is a being made up entirely of Morphin Energy, so we had to ask if that was always the plan or if at some point an actual person was under the helmet. He's a courier.' And that's kind of where the base idea for the one-shot came from." (Photo: BOOM! Studios)

So, this guy is the transporter of the Power Rangers' universe. And yeah, that to me, is like, 'All right. And the thing that stood out to me most was in two of the 10 episodes he shows up in, he delivers Zords to the Power Ranger teams, right? In Turbo he delivers the Rescuezords, and In Space he delivers the Delta Megaship, I think. So, what we had to do is kind of think about what we'd seen already and kind of boil him down to the most core concept of the character. So, we had a much blanker slate than I thought. And after watching the 10 episodes the Phantom Ranger appears in, the seven in Turbo and the three in In Space, and realizing that this character is really, really undefined, like almost no personality, very, very little dialogue, the backstory comes from one of those 10 episodes, and it's pretty slight.

"There was initially early a three-hour jam session with Dafna and Gwen Waller, the assistant editor, and I, where we kind of talked about who the Phantom Ranger was, how they could fit into what's going on in the present books, and just what the shape of the story would be.